Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, Apruil 20th 2012

Thought for the day: *
A billion here, a billion there --
first thing you know it
adds up to be real money.

-Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen < yesterday's thought

The Lone Ranger Creed

              "I believe that to have a friend,
                      a man must be one.
                That all men are created equal
             and that everyone has within himself
            the power to make this a better world.
               That God put the firewood there
                      but that every man
               must gather and light it himself.
                      In being prepared
              physically, mentally, and morally
                    to fight when necessary
                    for that which is right.
               That a man should make the most
                   of what equipment he has.
                      That 'This government,
                  of the people, by the people
                        and for the people'
                        shall live always.
                     That men should live by
                     the rule of what is best
                      for the greatest number.
                       That sooner or later...
                    we must settle with the world
               and make payment for what we have taken.
                 That all things change but truth,
               and that truth alone, lives on forever.
             In my Creator, my country, my fellow man."
                               The Lone Ranger

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